Universe sandbox 2 big bang
Universe sandbox 2 big bang

For orbital motions around the sun, it doesn’t really matter if the sun is seen as orbiting the center of the Milky Way or as completely still in relation to the Milky Way, any more than walking in an airplane that’s flying at 500 mph (level, not noticeably accelerating) differs meaningfully from walking in a parked plane. Motion is relative, and here it need only be seen so in the Galilean sense. What’s next, should we add in the movement of the Milky Way relative to M31? And the local group’s movement compared with the Virgo Cluster? No, because that just gets complex, and it would ruin the impressive-looking vortex. Show the sun and planets alone, and it’s just a bunch of planets orbiting the sun as they all orbit the center of the Milky Way. The sun and planets do orbit the center of the Milky Way, and yes it’s different if you combine both sorts of orbital motions, but the video can’t even depict a “vortex” except by making the paths persist through time. There’s certainly no gain in understanding or accuracy in seeing planetary motion as a vortex. Wow, not really adequate, and if the visualization is cool, it’s also misleading. Here’s a rather adequate video depicting the revolution of the planets around the sun as the sun moves through space. OK, that’s certainly not disposing of all of the curious facts, but it still seems worth noting that the plane of the solar system seems to be privileged in this case simply because it is the plane that seems to align with certain cosmic features. Either the orbital plane of the solar system or the plane through earth’s equator aligning would presumably be taken as somehow important (to be sure, that our neighborhood seems aligned to be in the center of several features at seemingly important angles (at least important to us) is interesting) when aligned with cosmic features, and since it’s the plane of the solar system that works in this case, well, it must be special. off of that plane? While it’s true that we like the tilt of the earth with respect to our orbit of the sun, wouldn’t it be more impressive if earth itself was aligned with the “axis of evil” rather than the plane of the solar system?Ĭonfirmation bias seems to be operating here. It is a bit strange, isn’t it, that earth is in a special place because the plane of the solar system is purportedly aligned with cosmic features, while the plane of rotation of earth’s equator itself is tilted 23.5 deg. because fiction has to continue to make sense… The illusion has to appear to be “real”…. Yet another nail in the coffin of materialism… ID stands vindicated again…Not that this evidence is going to have any effect on “the seekers of truth”… Cosmologists will just add few more assumptions to their current assumptions and preconceived, materialistic ideas to satisfy the majority of people with what they want to hear and believe… What should “the seekers of truth “, like Lawrence Krause, do when the best theory no longer fits the data? That would say we are truly the center of the universe.” There’s no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun - the plane of the earth around the sun - the ecliptic. Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us? That’s crazy. “ But when you look at map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. Regarding the Axis of Evil” aligned to Earth Lawrence, before they were confirmed as facts in 2013 by Planck probe Krauss commented in 2005: To sum this up: Cosmology as we know it may as well be scrapped…The universe revolves around the Earth because it is special and not a product of mindless processes… To list the implications of this very fact would take more than then several OPs, but just to mention a few: the big bang theory is goodbyeo… If big bag theory is no longer applicable, is the age of the universe and the Earth based on it correct? While researching the evidence for Cosmic Consciousness, the implications of the collapse of wave function, QM and so on, I came across some interesting evidence pointing to the fact that the Earth not only resides in the special place of the universe, it is the center of the universe…The evidence comes from the so-called “Axis of Evil – the earth’s ecliptic and equinoxes, and this represents a very unusual and unexpected special direction in space, a direct challenge to the Copernican Principle, which “appears to give the plane of the Solar System and hence the location of Earth a greater significance than might be expected by chance.”- Wikipedia

Universe sandbox 2 big bang